Looked for this for over 15 years now. Wish I started reaching out sooner so it wouldn't be as hard to find. VHS I was shown in an upstate South Carolina elementary school somwehere around the years of 2003-2006. Video was about how to do "hand tricks" to make your hands look like different animals. Guides for how to do this are readily available, but I am looking for a specific VHS that had a narrative structure with musical numbers to interconnect the tutorial segments. Main character was a hand-dragon. He traveled throughout this "land of puz" meeting with other hand animals. After speaking with them for a while, it would cut to the tutorial segment where it would show step by step how to make your hands into the animals. Each one always started with the narrator saying "hold your hands from side to side. fourth fingers touch, and the rest spread wide." Animals included were the dragon, the snake (which was just barely different), a dog, a spider. I remember there being a musical number in maybe a swamp kind of setting with fireflies in it. Reconstructed song: I distinctly remember it being called the "land of puz" or "land of pals" or "puz pals" or something being mentioned but searching these kinds of terms has come up with nothing. May have been noncommercial. Confirmed to have been a VHS tape. Current librarian from the school has confirmed that they no longer have the VHS but that it was used for over a decade. Spoke with retired librarian who was unable to remember the name of the VHS or who made it, but advised it "was a workshop from a talented young man from out of state".